Pharmaceutical & Disposables

Pharmaceutical & Disposables

Intermed Co. is a supplier of active pharmaceutical substances and excipients to clinical supply manufacturers including hospital pharmacies, licensed medical specials manufacturers, pharmacies, pharmaceutical manufacturers, food supplement manufactures, medical device and cosmetic manufacturers.

We are part of a worldwide pharmaceutical companies network with a rapid access to procure and accurately deliver most of the materials you require matching with the local and international regulations.

PremiumZyme - Premium EnzymePremiumZyme - Premium Enzyme

Enzymes are composed of proteins, synthesized in the cells of living organisms and are essential for maintaining life. They are used to digest and absorb nutrients, assist in cellular respiration to produce energy, and decompose and excrete waste products. In other words, enzymes are involved in every process of life.

The quantity of enzymes the body can produce decreases with age. This can disrupt metabolic processes and lead to ill health. To maintain optimum health, it is therefore necessary to actively supplement enzyme levels.

Currently, the enzyme supplement market is dominated by heat treated (about 85 °Celsius for 30 minutes) liquid and paste products. It is important to note that enzymes are susceptible to heat damage and largely become inactive at temperatures above 50° Celsius. PremiumZyme, however, is manufactured with cold and low-temperature processes, ensuring this supplement contains beneficial live enzymes.

PremiumZyme contains high concentrations of amylase (Carbohydrate-degrading enzymes), protease (proteolytic enzyme) and lipase (lipolytic enzyme). In addition, it also includes carboxypeptidases (proteolytic and amino acid-producing enzymes), cellulase (plant cell-wall degrading enzyme) that cannot be produced in the human body, and lactase (lactosedegrading enzyme).

Taking supplements with high concentrations of live enzymes can increase metabolism and blood circulation, helping to ensure that nutrients, oxygen and hormones are transported to where they are needed. In addition, PremiumZyme can also stimulate the excretion of waste products.

As a result, I believe PremiumZyme has a role to play in stimulating the host immune system. As a physician, I expect that PremiumZyme will especially have a preventative effect on vascular diseases such as cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction, hypertension, hyperlipidemia as well as diabetes, pulmonary diseases, insomnia, depression, constipation, poor circulation and a wide range of common illnesses.

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